It is now common knowledge that the more people who find out about your business, the better; but you need to provide adequate information about your business on your website before they start buying from you.

By Ranti Adedeji

If you ply your trade in any sector of the economy from any part of the country, your best bargain is to reach as many prospects as possible.  If, your business is located in the corner of a megacity like Lagos; and perhaps, you are still bothered about how you can do this successfully;  the most important thing to do is to have a vibrant, dynamic and informative website, where prospective customers can have a better understanding of what your business is all about.

It is one thing to direct attention to your business through Bulk SMS, Emails, Direct Mails or any form of publicity you may adopt; you need to provide adequate information about your business using great contents driven by pictures, animations, videos and infographics.

Your website is the first-point-of-contact between you and your potential customers. Before they contact you on the phone or reply your mails, they want to know in details, what you have to offer and reasons they have to buy from you; and not another business offering the same product or service

In fact, by the time they are contacting you, they would have made up their mind to buy from you, but only need one or two clarifications about the information available on your website. Possibly too; they what to find out, if they can get a discount or other value-added service when they buy from you.

Imagine you do not have a website that is content-friendly. They simply move on to another organisation. You can best imagine the number of people that would be moving away from you on a regular basis. Guess, also, how much money you will be losing as a result.

The bottom-line is that, to sell your business effectively, you need a website that is your mouthpiece before those who hears the name of your business or the service you provide. Let me illustrate this with a personal experience in my earlier years in real estate.

Not too long ago, I started a building construction and property marketing business. In order to promote the business, I set-up a news magazine – Property News, which I was circulating free every week. At the same time, I was writing Direct Mails (DM) to solicit for contracts, visiting and calling prospects regularly to remind them of my proposals.

I was writing construction and property-related stories, hoping that it would attract patronage from those who get the magazine weekly, but I was far from being right. In fact those who promise to support me with paid adverts, most times, reneged on their promises. Funds to continue the publication became scarce till I had to suspend it. I was only making barely enough money from the construction and property business to keep soul-and-body together. Until one day…

I got an unsolicited email inviting me to attend a free Internet Marketing seminar, where people would be taught how to harness the power of the Internet to promote their business, adding “if you still want to remain in business.”

I attended the seminar out of curiosity, because I have actually been using the Internet; but not to promote my business. After the seminar, I converted the magazine to an online publication, which today is www.propertynews.com.ng

I can now reach a larger audience and get better patronage with less cost and stress, using all the Internet genres, especially, my website.

If you have not decided to limit yourself, you need a website now. There are people you cannot connect with easily, no matter your strategy; who will, on their own, connect with you through your website. More people will get to know your business, not only within the country, but globally, even when you are sleeping.

You can now have a website. We are ready to build one for you and help to give publicity to your business with it. The cost of the website is only N100, 000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira).

It is time to act. You can ask me for more clarification on this matter, I will be ready to talk to you.

Ranti Adedeji, 08137843401; 08023673113

Publicity is King

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